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How I Made 300 $ with Google Adsense on My Blog? Copy My Formula

You can earn much more with Google Adsense by publishing your Medium posts on your WordPress Blog

The most I’ve ever earned from Google Adsense is $300 per month. I’m sure that if I devote a little more time to my blog, I have no doubt that it could earn as much as $800-$1000 every month.

I’m guessing that you read dozens of websites and blog posts on the internet every day. Many of the websites you visit have ads from Google or similar providers.

The websites you see these ads on are earning very serious profits every day, depending on their visit and click-through rates.

Please observe all the websites such as news, blogs, etc. that you visit from now on. If you knew their earnings, your jaws would drop.

Monthly incomes of 12.000$-20.000$ are now very normal for them.

You can think of it like this, YouTubers produce content by producing video content, Blogger is to produce content by writing articles on the internet.
YouTube uses Google Adsense as its advertising infrastructure.

You also apply to Google Adsense to earn money from the ads published on your website.

We all know that there are content producers who earn tens of thousands of dollars every month from Google Adsense by sharing videos on YouTube, but we do not see those who earn similar money as advertising revenue from Google Adsense by producing content and writing articles on their websites.

Believe me, most of the websites and personal blogs receive monthly ad payments similar to YouTube. These blogs can also make huge profits just by writing articles instead of videos.

As you know, there is no backbone to the keyboard on the internet and everyone writes and shakes everything.

I guess I have created a bond of trust with my readers, but I would like to share with you the screen below that shows the 4 monthly payments of the last year in order to see what the average earnings are with Google Adsense in my own blog. I would like to draw your attention, to this is only one of my blog’s ad payment amounts from Google Adsense.

Since my bank account and Google Adsense application are in Turkey, I receive payments in Turkish lira. In these months, 1 USD was around 16 TRY

I think Blogging and Online Writing can be one of the easiest ways to earn passive income and start an online venture/business.

As my old readers know, I am a person who writes non-fiction regularly on many platforms on a part-time basis but in a disciplined way that does not affect my priorities in my daily life.

Some tell me a blogger and some call me an online writer.

In my 5-year blogging journey, as a result of my own research and determinations, I have become very close to 5K followers on Medium, which is considered a success for many people, and I have become able to earn income regularly every month.

I try to share all my experiences, successes, and failures with transparency with amateur and professional writers who are just starting out or looking to monetize their old articles.

Without trying to sell any training, consultancy, etc., I try to pass on what I know without expecting anything in return.

Because mainly, I earn my earnings from Google Adsense through visits to my websites and ad clicks. I also earn money from Medium as a result of comments and applause from you on my articles on Medium.

It motivates me incredibly to get a passive source of income in this way by spending very little time. Probably, I will reap the fruits of the seeds I sow now in 5 years from now with much more.

In addition to these, I am distributing my e-book “Making Money from Zero to the Top on Medium” for free, in which I have written all the experiences I have gained in my 2-year history on Medium by spending serious labor and time.

Believe me, if I sell this book just for $5 on Instagram or Gumroad, additionally, I can easily earn $15-$30 a week. But I distribute this book for free to gain prestige instead of selling it.

Let’s examine in detail how I get paid using Google Adsense from my blog that I manage with WordPress infrastructure and how much money I spend on WordPress to manage this infrastructure.

When you get to the end of the article, if you are an entrepreneur like me and you see the potential ($) in this business, you will probably want to set up a professional blog with WordPress infrastructure.

With WordPress, you can create your blog for free in minutes and start making money from Google Adsense after meeting the necessary conditions.

I guarantee you can make serious money from your blog by running Google ads.

Above, you have seen how a senior employee like me, who has reached the top of his full-time 9–5 job and is connected to the overseas operation of a global corporate company, can easily earn from Google Adsense in the time he spends with his wife and child.

As I mentioned in another article, Google Adsense revenues can easily pay all my Spotify, Youtube Premium, Medium Annual Payments, Disney+, Amazon Prime, Disney+, Amazon Prime, Hepsi Burada Premium, Gforce Now, and all the membership fees for all the platforms you can think of and the domain name + hosting payments of the websites for a year.

We can say that the average annual return of Google Adsense is around 1000–1500$. You can think that the more you write on blogs, the less you earn.

I spend the income I get from blogging on my internet initiatives to buy new domain names and pay hosting costs.

Depending on your preference, you can buy a phone, or a tablet or pay the gas and electricity bills of your house. It is up to you.

If you want to be a full-time blogger as a main source of income, I estimate that you can easily earn $ 12,000 — $ 20,000 every month and you can make a living for an average family living modestly.

WordPress is very easy to use and incredibly advantageous for beginner amateur writers and Bloggers.

However, the free version should be avoided by serious professional bloggers and writers for reasons such as lack of professional impression, threat of deletion at any time, limited sharing rights, insecurity, and limited authority.

When you use the free versions, the extension names of these sites will look like the following.

As you can imagine, using these free infrastructures can give your visitors an unprofessional impression.

Especially if you want to build your personal brand, become an influencer, sell your designs, collaborate with brands, or differentiate your business from your competitors, you should definitely go into this process with the professional versions of these infrastructures from the beginning with some cost in mind and stay away from free versions.

If you want to start for free, you can create your own blog by purchasing a domain name with a (.com) extension specific to your business and purpose.

Those who want to brand or do e-commerce through a blog should never turn to other blogger etc. platforms and definitely prefer from the very beginning.

Because platforms and blogging tools like Blogger do not provide an infrastructure for e-commerce sites.

But with WordPress, you can create your own online store in minutes by installing a single e-commerce plugin and start receiving payments from your customers and visitors for the services you provide or the products you sell.

While WordPress offers a free blogging service, if you are looking at it professionally, you will also need to purchase hosting from WordPress.

Setting up your own domain on WordPress and creating a (.com) based blog is quite easy and requires no technical knowledge.

The biggest advantage of a WordPress blog is that it is a system that you can manage and customize as you wish.

To start a professional WordPress blog, you only need 2 things:
A custom Domain Name of your own and a suitable package from WordPress

1. Domain Name

Always buy a custom domain name for your personal blog


Annual fees for popular domain extensions .com, .net, and .org start at $9.99. While writing this article, I did a quick scan of different popular domain name providers, and the current annual fees for .com domains are between $8–12.

I’ve been using Google Domains in addition to WordPress for a while now, and they offer a discount on your first domain name purchase. Don’t forget to take a look there.

But as a footnote,

I recently received an information e-mail from Google and they informed me that Google Domains has now been taken over by Squarespace. After I received this email, I bought a domain name from Google Domains for another venture and as far as I remember, Google Domains’ web address and user panel interface was no different than before.

When I buy a domain name, I first decide what purpose I will publish my domain name for and what platform infrastructure I will use.

Because if you get Hosting and Domain name service from the same provider, DNS connection settings etc.

Most of all the necessary settings are automatically ready and the process can be done much easier.

In another example, in another blog where I use Wordpress infrastructure, I proceeded by purchasing my domain name with the same package through Wordpress from the very beginning.

On the contrary, since the domain name of my blog is very old, although the hosting infrastructure is WordPress, I bought the domain name from another hosting provider long ago. Therefore, it was redirected to WordPress with DNS.

Obviously, whether your domain name and hosting provider are from the same place or from different places, they all serve the same purpose.
Depending on how much you understand web design and site management, decide and move forward.

By the way, when I first started WordPress, I registered and started blogging with a $25 invitation link that gave me a very serious discount.
If you are thinking of entering the blog or e-commerce processes professionally with WordPress infrastructure, you can proceed with my invitation link below.

Obviously, no one has ever signed up for Wordpress with my invitation link and I don’t know if I will receive a gift from Wordpress in addition to the discount you will receive if you become a member.

If you use my discount invitation link, please give a brief information in the comments like I used the coupon. This way we can find out if the coupon works or not.

Remember that when you buy an annual package from WordPress, you don’t pay for the first year of your domain. I think WordPress is still the most profitable in terms of total cost.

Click Here to Redeem the WordPress $25 Discount Coupon

2. WordPress Hosting / Hosting

You should also purchase hosting to publish your content on the domain name you have purchased and to ensure that your blog is accessible 24/7.

WordPress hosting packages, the world’s most preferred content management system (CMS), are available in 4 different options: personal, premium, business, and e-commerce.

I use the WordPress Business Package on my English blog and the annual cost is $ 25–30.

This figure may seem high for some of you, but as in the screenshot of my English blog that I shared above, from time to time the monthly Google Adsense income reaches $ 250.

So for a blog that generates this kind of revenue, the annual cost of $30–40 is a drop in the bucket.

Also, when you buy a package from Wordpress, you don’t pay for your domain name for the first year and Wordpress gives you this as a gift as initial support.

This will give you another advantage like 8–12$ when you start.

Below you can see the screen where the information is shared showing that your domain name will be free in WordPress.

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